Gearbits: Raider expedition is coming soon!

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since my last post, so I’m here with an update. Work on the expansion campaign is going well. The first playtesters have played it. The response was positive and I got a lot of useful feedback. 

So far I have: 

  • 10 new story missions.
  • 6 new maps.
  • Two new playable units.

I’m still gonna be working to polish the new content and setup the new maps for the wave battle mode. Most of the work is already done, but I don’t have a release date yet. Maybe it will be on the one year anniversary of the games release? Maybe earlier? Either way, I do know for sure that it will be in 2024. 

To keep updated, wishlist the expansion on Steam if you haven’t already. And tell all your friends to wishlist it too while you’re at it!

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