Updates to the 1.5 build and general progress

Hello everyone, I'm here to tell you about what's going on with the project.

I released the public demo a few weeks ago now and the response has been positive. That was a big relief, because the demo is pretty much 1:1 what the first chunk of the finished game will be.

Since the release of the demo, I've been making progress on the missions. Now I have a total of ten missions completed. I've also been working on the custom assets the the later missions will require. On top of that, I've been adding some new features, some of which I though so important that I updated them into the public version. These features are:

A visual effect for the boosters. Now there is speed lines and some distortion near the edges of the screen and when using the boosters. I've added the option to turn this effect off into the settings menu. So if you prefer the old way, you can disable the effect.

Ammo can now be collected beyond the max limit if your magazine is not full. Previously, if you had one bullet in your magazine and your ammo storage was full, picking up a resupply wouldn't give you anything. Now it will give bullets beyond the storage capacity, but just enough to fill the magazine. I don't know why I didn't implement this sooner. It makes collecting ammo much easier, since it doesn't waste as much.

And finally. The boosters now give you some speed after they've become inactive. If you are in the air, the speed boost you get from the thrusters won't just stop. Now it'll slowly tick down to the normal speed after the thrusters deactivate. It's not "momentum" you gain from the thrusters, it's just that you have some extra speed for a moment while still retaining full control of the character. The movement system has been widely praised so I really hope that a change like this won't break it. What do you think? Grab the latest version and tell me.

That's all the news for now. I'll keep working on it and letting you know how it'll go.

Bye for now!


Gearbits test site 1.5.zip 611 MB
May 19, 2023

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